miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


sencillamente preciosa...

If you must wait, 
Wait for them here in my arms as I shake 
If you must weep, 
Do it right here in my bed as I sleep 
If you must mourn, my love 
Mourn with the moon and the stars up above 
If you must mourn, 
Don't do it alone 

If you must leave, 
Leave as though fire burns under your feet 
If you must speak, 
Speak every word as though it were unique 
If you must die, sweetheart 
Die knowing your life was my life's best part 
And if you must die, 
Remember your life 

You are 
You are Oh, you are 
You are Oh 

If you must fight, 
Fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night 
If you must work, 
Work to leave some part of you on this earth 
If you must live, darling one, 

Just live 
Just live 
Just live 

·keaton henson·

3 comentarios:

. dijo...

Encaja perfectamente con el decorado que tengo delante que solo tiene el fallo de tu no presencia.

gela dijo...


Fer dijo...